this time in ten years, my most visionary and hardworking friends will be rich. not cushy graduate positions and tennis club rich, but coffers and assets, well written trust funds and property in the scottish isles rich. veins of green, pristine walls and economic minimalism. where once they thought of altruism as a sacrifice to career, now bolsters their portfolio. who were creatives; optimistic and profound; heads of class and scholastic society, will be shareholders in the GenZ^2 creatives, again bolstering their portfolio with the vitality of the new dreamers.
in ten years, at a stretch, my entire generation will have fallen inclusively into the clutches of the 19th and 20th century trap. the revolution will not have arrived, and we will have arrived at middle age, comfortable and spacious, or cramped and surrounded by bawling partners and bitter children. the revolution will sort of exist in Randian bubbles of upper class utopia. on mars or on the moon, in IVR or in all powerful silicone, tapped into the economic mainframe with the power of ten-thousand brains. but only as a result of the evolution of tech, and not as any sort of paradigm shifting common consciousness.
the revolution of one will never be anything but the prolonging of an illusion. an entire generation reduced to the beautiful meta reality on binary and super position. the generation of one million uninterrupted years.
i am a tech utopianist, i support all (within reason) which has been said and done in the name of invention and innovation. all that is open and not closed, transparent and egalitarian. for the most part this is an existence of observable bliss, i watch the present future speed away into the predictable and cross the border of impossibility. it is also a deep anxiety which imagines the titanic thousand year reach of inscrutable ‘social’ giants. remember that the edge of history is not a date but an age, our own axial age that started in the 15th century, and will end, for better or worse, sometime this century. in fact, it is ending sooner than you think. but the choice is not gone as to what the next chapter of humanity will look like.
with that i have my heavy and unwarranted advice for you, dear dedicated and unsuspecting reader. i can take this luxury because today i turn 28, i can no longer die young, and must make good with the rest of what will be a long and prosperous existence.
please, do not go along for the ride. in the 21st century, anybody with a lick of sense knows that what seems like a deal too good to be true was not designed with the consumers’ benefit in mind. you are not a privileged passenger, you are the engine, and the engineers have not given you an honest destination. if you cannot take the helm, you must take part to crash the train. rebuilding will be easier once everyone is on the same page.